31 October 2008

Followup: Trick or Treat for UNICEF

Well, my one-year-old daughter and I just got back from our TOT for UNICEF extravaganza. I emptied out the box and counted out the money, and looks like we collected a grand total of $15.19. Not bad for a one-year-old! This will be a yearly tradition in our family; I think it's such a great way to teach kids about activism and giving and being a citizen of a world community. I don't think she really picked up on any of those messages today (she was too busy trying to understand why we couldn't go into the houses and play with people's pets), but someday she'll get more out of it. For what it's worth, she did figure out the process of folding the money and slipping it into the box!

People were very friendly. Every single person we visited tonight was familiar with UNICEF, and a number of them said they remembered doing TOT for UNICEF when they were kids.

While I was sitting on the floor counting the money, I had a flashback to my senior year of college when our UNICEF campus group had been coordinating TOT for UNICEF events at half a dozen (more?) elementary schools. I remember sitting on the floor for hours counting out well over $1,000 in pennies and dimes, rolling the change up so I could take it to the Coinstar machine. (Maybe some of you were there with me? Does anyone else have this memory too?)

Did anyone else do TOT? Any stories to tell? Or, while we're following up, did anyone take any action on Sudan?


Heather said...

Missy I really admire all you do. I remember when your started UNICEF at BYU, and I was a flaky roommate who didn't help you very much! I like that trick or treat for UNICEF is a tradition in your family now. I'd like to do it next year with you, I think it's so much better to teach your kids to help other children instead of getting a sugar rush!

missy. said...

thank you, heather :) i really love the concept of it, too. we'll have to chat about it next year!