10 February 2009

Followup: Maternal and Newborn Health

I just want to send out a few more items that may be helpful to those of you interested in learning about maternal and newborn health. Let's start in the U.S. In my last post I gave you the link to UNICEF's State of the World's Children address, but the publication offers little information about maternal mortality in the U.S. We need information about domestic maternity care, because the maternal mortality rate in the U.S. is currently the worst it has been in decades. One resource that offers great information (from mothers' perspectives) about maternity and postpartum care is Childbirth Connection's New Mothers Speak Out Report. Click on the link to read more about childbirth in America.

Moving back to international issues of maternal and newborn health: This video made me smile. You can read more about this awareness-raising campaign at Oxfam UK's website.

Also, might I recommend this photo gallery?

1 comment:

Chris J. said...

Keep it coming. You're going to write this paper for me.